It is official, the Boy no longer stays in his bed until we come and get him or tell him he can get down. Everyone kept telling me that his staying in bed until we got him out or after we put him down for the night wouldn't last long...3 months was his limit.
The other night, The Husband and I were out weeding the flower beds after The Boy was in bed. He has always taken his time falling asleep, he sings, talks to his Bear Bosco, etc., etc. Baby (I guess it should be Toddler now) monitor in hand, I walked over to grab some gardening tool and the talking orginally coming from the monitor just stopped. I thought it was strange that he was asleep already, but passed it off to a long day of playing outside. I turn around and there is the Boy standing at the front door looking out at us waving. That was on Sunday night. It is now Friday morning and the Boy has ventured out of his bed after lights out every night this week. How he ventures out has changed night to night. Sometimes he is carrying "blue blanket" and Bosco. Sometimes he comes out saying "I took a good nap momma!" And, sometimes he just comes out to see what's going on...he is so afraid he is going to miss all the fun.
While I am not the biggest fan of the night time strolls, I have quite enjoyed the morning shows. The boy wakes up between 6 and 6:30 every morning. (I feel your pity!) Now, since he gets out of bed on his own, he pitter patters down the hallway into our bedroom to wake us up. We are already awake of course, he is not the quietest riser...but having him "wake" us up with all his enthusiasm and love is just the best. This morning he was silent while making his trek except for the sound of his feet hitting the hard wood floors. He came into our room and tapped Husband on the back, then climbed up in bed, gave hugs all around and said "I love you, time to get up." He is the best alarm clock. I wonder if there will ever be a snooze function on him.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago