August and September are very busy months in the life of a college administrator. Program after program, late nights, lots and lots of work. I spend a lot of my time these days trying to stay calm in the midst of craziness. I try to keep in mind that I enjoy working and I know that I wouldn't enjoy being at home all the time with the Boy. Maybe most of the time, but not all of the time. I am thankful that I am finding more moms who work to share in my thoughts.
I was engaged in a conversation with a colleague of mine who is a wonderful mommy to an almost 2 year old after a meeting this week. She and I were talking about the stressors of our jobs and another coworker said, "I don't know how you two do this and be moms at the same time." I think my friend said it best. The best part of our lives is our families. Her daughter keeps her sane, just like The Boy keeps me sane. As 5 o'clock approaches everyday, my mood changes. I start smiling a little more because I know in 10 minutes, I will get to see the Boy and his enthusiasm for seeing me never wanes ( I hope that is always the case). The Boy keeps me grounded. He lightens my mood. I love listening to him talk because I know something he says will make me smile, laugh or fill me with that warm fuzzy feelings.
Some of my favorite anecdotes from this week are:
"Look momma, there is a pocket in my underwear." The Boy talking about the fly in his new boxer briefs.
"It's not bathtime yet, I am not naked." The Boy correcting me when I told him in the mall parking lot that it was bathtime.
"Who needs more hugs." This has become a staple as we are trying to get the Boy to lay down and go to sleep at bedtime. He knows we can't refuse another hug.
I thank God everyday for blessing us with this little person. He makes everyday worth it.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago