I have a friend who became an unexpected single mom a few years ago. She is the only one I know and can I just say, my hat is off to you and to all single parents out there. Once a week, my husband teaches class leaving me to handle both kids all alone. Maybe it is the newness of having a baby again, but let me tell you...I am starting to believe what some folks say 'you don't really know what parenting is like until you have two kids.' I couldn't imagine handling ever situation always on your own. I am thankful for my husband and now think my friend and all those like her are superheros.
Last night was the dreaded Tuesday night. I don't mind being alone with the kids during the day, but at night time, it is like everything gets
harder. Night time is when The Girl gets fussy. Night time is when The Boy gets clingy. Put those two things together and you have one frazzled momma. I will say that things are getting a little easier every week. My patience is getting better with The Boy. He is still adjusting to having to share my affections and it was very frustrating at first. I just keep reminding myself that while he is older than his age in many ways, emotionally, he is still 3 1/2 and when he says missing his momma makes the shadows scare him, he really means it. That isn't just a ploy to stay up longer.
The Girl was awake for almost 5 hours straight last night. I don't know if she had gas or what, but she wouldn't let me put her down and she wouldn't close her eyes. The Boy was sad and missed me and actually cried very hard last night because I couldn't lay with him in his bed. It broke my heart. When The Husband got home last night, I had to refrain from being angry at him for leaving me to handle the parenting on my own. It isn't his fault...he is working to provide for our family. Plus, I am not really letting him do much else outside of work, so I should let work be okay, right? I just keep telling myself that things get better after a few months. The Girl will get on a schedule and The Boy will get used to The Girl. I will say, however, that there is a part of me that worries that it won't get a little easier. That is who I am a worrier...it can't be good for my digestive system.