Monday was a fun day. I got three phone calls from the kids' school. Call one went like this...
"Hi it's The Girl's teacher, everything is okay, but I didn't want you to be shocked when you pick The Girl up. She has a black eye. She was running, tripped over the rug and hit the bookshelf."
Call Two:
"It's The Girl's teacher again. She was half sitting in the chair, leaned over to grab something and pinched her thigh in between the table and where she was sitting."
For both of these injuries, The Girl didn't even cry. She is tough.
Call Three:
"It's The Boy's teacher. Everything is fine, for the most part, but he woke up from his nap with very swollen eyes. We are afraid his eyes might swell shut. You might want to take him to see the doctor."
Damn pollen!
I picked them both up, took them to the doctor's office. The Boy's allergies are just on high alert because this is the highest the pollen count has been in 10 years! The suggestion was to continue the allergy medicine regiment and put cold compresses on his eyes when they get really swollen. The Boy was the third child that the Dr. had seen per the request of daycare directors. He was cleared to go back to preschool, compresses in hand.
So, both my children had at least one swollen eye. The Girl's eye was also purple. I had strangers asking me what happened to you kids, how did that happen, what did you do? Not what did she do, what did YOU do? Not all the looks were judging. And, I am thankful for the mom at the store who said, my girls do stuff like that all the time.
Thankfully, The Girl's eye is fading fast and it is supposed to rain tomorrow...maybe that will end the pollen issues.