I realized the other day while flipping through the stations in my "mom" car that NPR is programmed on two, count 'em two, different presets. When did this happen? When did I go from the hip, young women to the mom who drives a car that has more toys in it then empty Starbucks cups? That led me to wonder if I was every really hip or if that was my fantasy of what my life was like BC (Before Child). What is the purpose of NPR anyway? I really think it is out there so people can feel intellectual and well informed, but too me now it just seems as if the word boring is the only thing I can use to describe the time I spend listening to "All Things Considered." Yet, that is what I listen to when I am in the car by myself. When with child, my musical styling turn to the likes of Laurie Berkner and Veggie Tales. What has happened to my life?
Now, my life is filled with the ever present contemplation of why do I work when I could be home with my boys? Who are my boys you might ask...well, I use boys to describe my husband of seven years, Jason and my son of two years, Nicholas. Both tend to act like small children from time to time, so the titles fit. I got out of the shower this morning to my husband telling me that Nicholas used the word ridge this morning to describe the bottom of his dresser. Not sure where he learned that word, but was more interested in why Nicholas was talking about the bottom part of his dresser. My husband told me that he was attempting to climb up his dresser. Where was Daddy when this was happening? Watching our two-year old attempt to climb up his dresser. I am not sure if Jason thought at the time "Hmm, he'll be okay if I stand here and watch, or I wonder if he can make it to the top..." Either way, Nicholas shouldn't have been climbing on his dresser.
Like I said, the worries of my life have changed over the last few years. I no longer think about me, it is all about the boys and the trouble they can get themselves into.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
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