Picture it, Tuesday night at a church softball game. The weather is not too humid and everyone is having fun watching my husband's team get the tar kicked out of them when all of the sudden, I feel like to big oranges have been shoved down my throat. The only way for me to swallow is to hold my neck while doing so.
No big deal, I must have caught a little cold, that's all. I go home then go back to work at 8 PM that night. I tell the college kids not too sit to close as I am feeling a little under the weather. I go home, take some cold medicine and plop into bed.
Enter morning...I wake up and feel like I have been run over by a bulldozer, twice. I decide after being persuaded by the Husband, not to go into work and that perhaps I should go to the doctor. Here's the problem with going to the doctor, you have to have a doctor to go to before going to one. What does that mean you ask? Well, apparently no doctor will see you the day of need unless you have been to see him/her before. I, being a relatively healthy person, have not had to go to the doctor unless I am sick. And, I mean REALLY sick. We called around to a number of doctor's offices and the soonest they could get me in was in a week. Hello, I am sick now, not next week! Had I better planned, I would have made the appointment last week after having the prophecy that I would be sick this week. So, where did I end up, the Doc in the Box.
The great thing was, they could see me immediately. Little did I know I would be there two hours. A much needed two hours, but two hours none-the-less. It isn't a good feeling when the doctor looks at your glands and says "HOLY COW!", twice. Here is how the conversations went.
DOC in Box: What are your symptoms?
Me: My throat is swollen.
DOC in Box: How long have you had these symptoms?
Me: 24 hours.
DOC: Have you had a fever?
Me: No
DOC: Any other symptoms?
Me: Um, no. (I thought I already told him my symptoms.)
DOC: (While feeling my throat, which is tender btw) Well, I am going to do a strep test, but I don't think I need to because Holy Cow your glads are big. Say ahh.
Me: Ahhh
DOC: HOLY COW! How do you want your antibiotics as a shot or pills.
Me: Shot, I guess. What's the shot for exactly?
DOC: You have a very bad case of strep throat. Are you surprised?
Me: Yes, seeing as how I haven't had strep since I was 8 years old.
DOC: Well, you have it. I would suggest the shot. Then take ibuprofen for the swelling in your throat.
Me: Okay.
So, 15 minutes later, a nurse comes in and gives me a huge shot of penicillin right in my back side. I almost pass out. She lays me down on the examination table and makes me lay there for another 20 minutes. After the wooziness goes away, I am free to drive myself home.
I think, good antibiotics are in the system, I should be fine in a few hours. Hardly, this is the note on the doctor form sent home with me from the hospital. Antibiotics are to stop rheumatic fever from occurring, not to stop symptoms. Needless to say, I felt horrible for the next 5 days. I was not allowed to come in contact with anyone for 24 hours and I had to call in my mom (thanks, mom) for reinforcements. After all that, I still don't know who gave it to me, but I'd like to give it back!
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago