It is official, we are dog owners. After a long process with the Animal Care Society, we brought Atty home on September 8th. We are all excited, but none more excited than the Husband. We asked the Boy the night before if he was ready to get his doggy and he matter of factly stated, "I want a kitty to take on a walk." Still the Boy is excited, just not as much as his Daddy.
I have to admit that I was somewhat lukewarm to the idea of a dog leading up to the adoption, but my boys convinced me that no amount of dog hair, mess or smell could distract you from the love you get from a good pet. We are only a few days in, but I am liking it more than I thought I would. I actually love the way she acts and the fact that she likes to cuddle. We are a cuddly family and she fits right in with us.
The Husband wanted a boy dog at first so he could name it Habeus...lawyer jargon. But, since the dog is a girl, we settled on Atty which, for those of you who aren't as quick, is an abbreviation for Attorney. What can I say, The Husband is proud of what he does. Atty is 100% his dog. She follows him around, she cries when he leaves the room, she must be touching him anytime he is in the vicinity. I guess I am just the competition to her. The Boy has taken to telling Atty what she can and cannot do. We do that to him all the time, it must be good for him to be able to do it to someone else. The Boy wakes up every morning and his first words are, "Where's my doggy?" I look forward to sharing their crazy antics with you all in the future.
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