Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Mr. Independence

We have entered a new era in the life of parenthood. The Boy plays by himself now!!! What an amazing difference this makes in the lives of two parents. Don't get me wrong, the Husband and I both love spending time with the Boy, but what a change it is to be in a stage where your child does not need your constant attention.

I was making dinner on Sunday night, the Husband was outside grilling. The Boy went downstairs to his play area without asking me to come with him. When I asked him what he was doing, he said, "I am going to play."

"Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, I can do it by myself."

Now, please understand that the basement to our house is right off the kitchen and I can hear everything plus peak down whenever things get too quiet, so the Boy is in now eminent danger. Things did get quiet, but that is because the Boy pulled out his big "Nemo" coloring sheets and his crayons and was so pleasantly lying on the floor coloring his heart out. We were able to make dinner without any distraction. It was so nice. The entire night after this realization of independence, I just kept thinking, man, now I can go to the bathroom by myself. What a wonderful stage to be in!

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