Working Momitis strikes again. I had a major blunder this morning. Today was The Boy's Thanksgiving Day Party at preschool. I try to volunteer at these events when I can and that usually means I will spend the morning with The Boy and all his classmates reading a story and helping with a snack and a craft with all the other moms. I am a working mom...there aren't that many in the mix at this particular preschool. I was not able to volunteer on site for this party, but still wanting and needing to fill the role of mommy, I decided to volunteer to supply construction paper for the craft.
On the way into work after dropping The Boy off, I think....hmmm....was today the Thanksgiving Day party? No, it should be tomorrow. Why would it be today?
I call The Husband and ask if he remembers. He too thinks it is tomorrow. No big deal, I will bring the paper tomorrow morning. Well, I get to work, start shuffling papers and find the November newsletter for preschool. Low and behold, IT IS TODAY! The party was to start at was 10:15. I rush to gather the paper and speed the distance to the school. The entire way there I am thinking that I am a horrible mommy...if I weren't working, I wouldn't have forgotten such and important thing. I had visions of the kiddos crying because they didn't have the paper they needed for the craft.
I walk into the school profusely apologizing to the Room Parents only to find out they really didn't need the paper anyway, there was already some there. Imagine that, construction paper at a school, already, who would have thought? Despite the fact that all was well and that The Boy and his friends had no idea that I forgot the paper for the project, I still feel badly. Why is that? He isn't making me feel badly. On the contrary, he was excited to see that I actually could come for a little while for his celebration. I helped him a little with his craft, which was a bit lame, I might add and he was so happy. I find myself wondering if stay at home mommies feel guilty and if they do, why? Deep down, I know I am a great mom...I just hate the feeling of missing out.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
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