Sorry for the delays in posting, life has gotten busy. But, I am back and ready to get typing. The topic today is The Boy's Top 5 Gifts from Santa Claus:
5. Doctor's Kit
This fantastic kit came with all necessary accessories to pretend to be a doctor. Fake band aids, the shot giver and the cell phone with the annoying ring seem to be the favorites. The Boy has worn the fake band aids to school or church and he loves to give shots. The fake cell phone follows him to the car. For some reason it is always are neighbor Jerry calling. I am not sure what that is about.
4. Candyland (Not actually from Santa, but from a dear friend, sorta)
The Boy has had the game Chutes and Ladders for over a year. This Christmas he got 3 additional Chutes and Ladders games. I guess when folks were choosing between Candyland and Chutes and Ladders, they thought, hey, Candyland is a girl's game, so we can't give it to The Boy. Thankfully, we were able to return two and exchange one with another child for Candyland. The Boy loves it. Somehow he always seems to get the card with the Ice Cream Fairy on it which inevitably leads to him winning the game. Sketchy.
3. Wooden Blocks and Hot Wheels Cars
This would be two separate gifts played together. The new, fun thing to do is dump all the blocks out on the floor and build roads and buildings for the cars to play on and in. It is big fun. The Boy prefers the colored blocks to the plain wooden ones...who wouldn't.
2. Curious George Slippers
The slippers were the first thing The Boy"opened" from Santa. They were at the top of his stocking. He took them out of his stocking and exclaimed, "Look Momma, Santa got me just the right size!" Amazing how that happens. The Husband and I have had discussions with The Boy as to why he can't wear his slippers outside or to the mall. Often times we will check on him after he has fallen asleep and he will have his slippers on his feet or he will be holding onto them like a teddy bear. It is sweet.
1. Go Fish Cards (not actually from Santa Claus, from Grandpa and Grandma)
All I can say at this point is, how many times a day can a person play Go Fish. Wanna find out, come to our house!
Needless to say, The Boy often asks when Santa Claus will be by the house again with more presents.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
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