Where has the summer gone? It is the end of July and hotter than Hades outside, but in my mind, summer has ticked down to just two weeks left. I guess time flies when you work and try to be a good momma. I had sometime this morning to reflect on how things have been this summer since The Husband took The Boy to school. I love riding in the car by myself sometimes...it has become a sanctuary. If gas prices weren't so high, I think I would ride around for hours just contemplating the ways of the universe. Wait, I don't have time for that, so never mind.
The Boy has had a few firsts this summer. We have more planned and hope to accomplish that this weekend before work gets crazy and the baby gets here.
The Husband and I both love the water. I think we both grew up spending summers in the pool, lake or ocean. The Husband spent some of his childhood in California and took swim lessons when he was little. My family, no matter where we lived at the time, would go to the local pool or a local lake. We were like fish. The Boy, however, has developed a interesting level of fear for the water. We spent the entire second swim lesson trying to convince him to get into the YMCA pool. By the end of his lessons, he was doing much better, but he still will not go completely under the water. Any advice would be helpful. I think part of his issue was with his swim instructor. He was not a fan.
I already posted about our backyard camping experience. The Boy loved it, wants to go again and has even suggested we take a trip to the mountains to camp. I can't wait until the new tike gets a little older and we will make this a spring/summer/fall event every year. A few firsts were included in the camping expedition like catching fire flies in a jar, telling stories by flashlight and making a smores on a gas grill. It was fun times.
I am slow to adjust to change sometimes. The Boy is 3 1/2 and he had never spent the night away from both parents at the same time. I am not sure why that is other than I am a complete control freak. This past weekend, my parents finally convinced me to let him stay with them overnight. I don't think I have ever seen any child more excited about anything in their life. He had such a good time and he now thinks every Saturday is "stay with Grandma and Grandpa day." The Husband and I had no idea what to do with ourselves. The house was so quiet and since I am way preggo, it wasn't like we could go out bar hopping. I guess we could have, but I would rather not deal with the looks of being extremely preggo and in a bar. Maybe that is a sign that The Husband and I are getting old...if not old, then just older.
Again, I already posted about this as well. But, a big boy bike is a big deal.
The daycare we placed The Boy in for the summer has wonky weeks off, much to our chagrin. We made due the week of July 4th by putting The Boy in a music & art camp for the week. The theme for the week was fairy tales. He loved it. While he enjoyed the art, he much preferred the story time and the music time. He gets the acting bug from The Husband. Since he was one of the youngest in the group, he got to play the role of Denny the Cow in "Jack and the Beanstalk." It was great fun.
We have two more things on our list of summer firsts...
1. Putt Putt
2. Outdoor movie at the zoo
Only a few more weeks to make it happen.
1 comment:
Sounds like a lot of fun firsts - and a lot of firsts we haven't done ourselves:
1. Camping
2. Putt Putt
3. big boy bike (I don't know why not)
4. First Drama Performance.
What a busy summer! Oh, by the way, loved your use of the word "Wonky". We should all use that word more often. It's fun!
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