Here she is. She is he sweetest thing in the world. Big Brother is so proud, excited and curious. How is it possible to love two little people this much is only something God can explain.
Welcome to the world of a mom trying to make a difference in the life of her beautiful babies!
Absolutely precious! Congratulations to momma, daddy, and the new big brother.
Beautiful! And here, finally! Congrats to the whole family. Hope to meet her soon.
Congrats momma! I was wondering... :) Hope everyone is well.
This is absolutely wonderful news! Congratulations to all four of you! I can't wait to see more pictures. Hang in there everyone. Here comes the crying and the pooping!
Congratulations, Jessica! I hope you all are well. I hope to meet little Loreli (spell right?) soon! (Told you so... :-) )
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