The Boy seems to be adjusting fairly well to the newest addition to our family. He loves her unconditionally it seems. When he wakes up he gives her a good morning kiss. He has to give her kisses every time he sees her. If I pick him up from school without her, he wants to know why I didn't bring Sister with me. It is all very sweet. We really haven's seen any instances of jealousy yet. I am hoping the trend continues.
While jealousy doesn't seem to be an issue, a mix of independence with clingyness does. I know those two things are seemingly opposites, but in this household, they go hand in hand. I don't want your help, give me a hug. I don't need you to help me brush my teeth, but will you stay with me until I go to sleep. These are just a few examples.
Blatant jealousy hasn't reared its ugly head, but subtle issues have especially when it comes to the baby toys we have in the house. Now I know it isn't reasonable to think that The Boy remembers playing with these items, but he is adamant that they are his and that he remembers playing with them. If I say not to touch something that now belongs to The Girl, The Boy will no doubt respond by saying, "It was mine first."
This subtle issue became more than evident yesterday when The Boy got home from school. We live in a house that has hardwood floors and stone floors throughout the main level. The only part of our house that is carpeted is the finished basement. Don't get me wrong, I love the stone floors in our house, but hadn't thought about what it would be like to have a baby when we decided to move here. The thought of The Girl crawling around on the floor frightens me a little, but we will make due I am sure.
Yesterday I brought up a very thick quilt for The Girl to play on when I am upstairs. We gotta make sure that she gets her tummy time, right? As soon as The Boy got home, he saw the blanket on the floor in the family room and made a beeline right to it.
The Boy: "Can I lay on this Momma?"
Momma: "No, that is for your sister to play on."
The Boy: "But, it was on my bed first."
Momma: "I know, but she has to have something to play on that is soft and I picked that blanket. You have new stuff on your bed. That quilt has been in the basement."
The Boy: "Okay."
I thought we had settled the discussion, but as soon as The Husband got home, The Boy asked him if he could use the quilt. Of course, The Husband, not knowing of our previous discussion, said sure! Here is what we have going on now with the quilt.