I really didn't think some things The Boy is doing would happen so soon. I am glad that he is such a big boy in some ways, but I am not really ready for some things yet. I guess it is a good thing we had another one, so I can have a small person go through all the fun things again.
We have reached the point where The Boy has become like any other child with the tone of his voice when it comes to him being bothered by something his crazy mom is doing. Yesterday he was on the phone with The Husband and the "tone" reared its ugly head. The Boy knows, by heart, his daddy's cell phone number and now his work number. So, every afternoon after school he wants to call Daddy using my cell phone. He is dialing and then talking and I suggest he tell Daddy about xyz. I get a high pitched Ma-OOOM from the backseat. I was telling him how to do something he already knows how to do. Who teaches kids to say Mom like that? I know I did it to my mom, but not at three years old. And furthermore, I am Momma or Mommy, not Mom. I am not ready for The Boy to drop those words of love. Ugh.
Last night at bath time, I tell The Boy to take off his clothes and get naked. Now, we are not really that modest of a family. The Husband and I still walk around naked in front of the boy. I nurse or pump in front of him...it isn't a big deal. Luckily he hasn't shown any aversion to this, but based on his comment last night, maybe we should be a little more concealed. I don't know if I could live without him congratulating me when I pump milk for The Girl, but hey I can work it out on my own.
After telling him to get naked, something he has done for a long time in front of me, he looks me in the eye and says, "I don't want anyone to see me get undressed." He then runs into his room and shuts the door. When did my three year old turn into a teenager? The funny thing is, not two minutes later, he was out of his room completely naked, in the bathroom asking me to wash his toes. I guess it is the undressing part that needs to remain private.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
1 comment:
We haven't actually had any shyness with the kids being naked, but we do try to not get naked in front of them anymore especially after Luke and Evie started asking us what certain parts were. I'm not sure how the nursing thing is going to work since I'm sure they will be fascinated by the process and want to see the whole thing, and I really don't see how I can put a blanket over myself all the time, nursing or pumping. I like that he congratulates you when you're done pumping! That's great!
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