Today, my little girl turned 12 weeks old. She is so big already. Today also marked the first day The Girl went to daycare. She only went for four hours and I was a mess. I cried all the way home and the entire time I was in the shower. When I left her, she was all smiles and didn't seem to really mind her new environment. When I picked her up, she was in her crib, wrapped like a little burrito all ready to go to sleep. I picked her up and she started wailing. Immediately I think she is crying because she thinks I am going to leave her there. I bring her home, she is content and I am crying at the prospect that I have already tramatized her for life. The Husband thinks she was crying because I disturbed her rest. This is probably more likely as she is always fussy right before she goes to sleep.
Tomorrow is another 1/2 day at daycare. I am hoping I can make it without crying. I am not so sure I will. It is healthy and normal, but I feel a little silly about it. I go back to work full time next Wednesday. I get to figure out how to balance everything all over again. Two kids, work, and time with The Husband or life as well like to call it. Time goes by so fast, blink and you really do miss it.
1 comment:
I can't wait to see you!
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