I have been very lucky to be able to stay home as long as I have. The Girl is almost 12 weeks old. It is crazy how time flies. She is cooing and making all sorts of noises. She is smiling and trying so hard to laugh out loud. The day she turns 12 weeks old will be her first day at daycare. Less than a week away...it makes me sad. Someone else will be taking care of her for most of her waking hours. I keep telling myself she will be fine, and she will. She will still know who I am. She will still love me unconditionally. The Boy has been in daycare or in preschool since he was about the same age and he is a great kid who loves his momma without issue.
It isn't any easier the second time around though. I still feel sad and I know I will cry for the first week. The Husband has tried to be so empathetic, and I appreciate it, but it is so different for men. I don't think he will completely understand, but I am thankful that he is trying. I love him for that.
The woman who will be taking care of The Girl seems to have her stuff together. She has two kids of her own and asked all the right questions. I will try to remain positive and get back to work without too much worry. Wish me luck and pray that The Girl stays healthly as long as possible among all the daycare germs.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
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