Anyone else ready for spring? I am glad that we moved closer to friends and family, but I miss the Texas sun and warmth. There is nothing flattering about wearing layers and flannel pajamas and socks to bed every night. My poor husband is so hot all the time and I am sure that the flannel pjs help that problem. It has been very cold here, but hope is on the horizon with predictions for 50 degree weather this weekend. Woo Hoo!
I keep telling my friends that as you get older, time seems to go by faster. Nothing makes this feel more true than watching a baby grow in its first year. The Girl is 22 weeks old this week. She is no longer the cuddly little bundle. She is 16 pounds and is sitting up and talking up a storm. It really was only yesterday that she was a tiny swaddled bundle that just wanted to sleep cuddled up next to me.
Stay warm out tomorrow.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
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