The Boy is so sweet. I know I say time and time again that he has a kind heart, but I just cannot help but continue to repeat it, because it is so true. He was full of such sweetness this morning.
While I was getting ready this morning, The Boy came into our bedroom. We have a picture of our family (
pre-The Girl) sitting on the dresser . It was taken by one of my students before my very first Mother's Day Brunch. The Boy is about 4 1/2 months old in the picture. The Boy decides that he wants to show The Girl what he looked like when he was a baby. He takes the picture and shows it to her. He reported back that she liked the picture. This is the conversation we had shortly after the picture was returned to the bedroom.
The Boy: This picture was taken when we lived in Texas.
Momma: Yes, it was.
The Boy: Why did you and Daddy live in Texas? Did you go there to get me?
Momma: No, not really, we lived in Texas for a while before you were born. But, we are glad they you came to us while we were there.
The Boy: You must have been really lonely.
Momma: Why's that?
The Boy: Because you asked God for me. I came to you when you were lonely in Texas.
Momma: I guess we were lonely in a way. You were missing in from lives. We are so happy we have you.
The Boy: God knew I was lonely too...he gave me The Girl.
This morning when I dropped him off at school, he wanted me to stay so he could read me a book. We went over to the corner of the classroom where the reading nook is and sat down. He read me "Hop, Frog, Hop." It is a silly little phonics book about Frog hopping on different things like a sock and a hot pot. The hot pot part is funny to The Boy. He thinks the frog must be really silly to jump on a hot pot. He wondered out loud to me why the frog doesn't hop on a cold pot or why does he hop on a pot at all, does he want to be made into frog soup? The mind of a child is a wonderful place. After we finished reading, one of The Boy's teachers came up to me and said that she was so proud of The Boy. Apparently, in the mornings he will gather a small group of his little friends who aren't reading yet, take them to the reading nook and will read to them. They like it so much, they have been doing it every morning for a week.