Yesterday The Girl finally had her six month check-up just one day shy of becoming 7 months old. Her appointment was at 9:20 AM and I didn't get to work until after 11 AM. I really feel like once you pull into the parking lot of a doctor's office time starts to go incredible slow in you mind, but like the speed of light in real life. I was there for what seemed like forever.
The good news is, the pediatrician thinks my daughter is perfect. I couldn't agree more. She is truly the happiest baby in the world. We are very blessed. She does still have fluid on her ears from her last ear infection, but the doc said let's wait it out, no sense in giving her more antibiotics yet. I agree....a lot of parents fall victim to over medicating their kiddos these days.
The Girl did get her shots yesterday. For some reason, I am more freaked out this go round about the shots than I was with The Boy. I need to quit reading articles about possible side effects. The Girl's doc is one of the most granola-y people I have ever met and she is an advocate for following the regular shot schedule. She has no worries, so that puts me a little more at ease. This time, The Girl didn't even cry when she was stuck with the needles. She actually smiled and laughed at the nurse administering the shots. I don't think that is real normal, but like I said, she is a happy baby. She did get pink camo band-aids, too cute.
I secretly love seeing The Girl's doc. She makes me feel good about myself and my work as a mom. She praises the fact that I work and still exclusively breast feed. I need to hear that. It is hard work. She told me yesterday that she wanted to put up a poster with a picture of The Girl and me saying..."It can be done!" I just keep telling myself seven months down...only five to go, then the rest is just icing.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
That's wonderful! Of course she's perfect! We need more pictures!
I have talked to several of Sam's doctor friends about this (some are actually pediatricians) and they all agree that immunizations = good.
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