Part two of the reptile and amphibian saga...
One of the posters we received from our generous friends gave an overview of the venomous snakes in our state. There are four of them. I asked The Boy if he knew what venomous meant and of course he did. That means poisonous Momma, he said in a tone asking how come you don't know that, you are the adult in this conversation.
On the back of the poster it has the does and don't of handling a venomous snake bite. There are a long list of don'ts including 'don't take any drugs or drink any alcohol after being bitten,' don't cut the bite to remove the venom,' 'don't run after the snake that bite you,' etc. The list of dos is much shorter to include calling 911 and getting help. The Boy asked me to help him read the entire lists. After we were finished he said, "they forgot to say use a band aid, that would be a do."
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
1 comment:
I love your slide show. I miss you guys so much. It's always good to have a down-to-earth couple to share things with. Take care. kisses and hugs to the kids.
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