Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Daylights Savings

The Girl is a mess. She will not sleep in her bed, by herself through the night. Last night was particularly difficult. The Husband usually gets up with her. I know, I am lucky, but he also knows that I am a bear when I haven't slept. I got up with The Girl last night. I volunteered thinking it would be sweet to cuddle with her on the couch in the family room while we both drifted back into a peaceful slumber.

I couldn't have been more wrong. Between her crying out, the constant tossing and turning and wanting to play name all of momma's body parts at 2 AM, we may have gotten a collective 2 hours of sleep the whole night. We moved into my bedroom at around 4:30 AM, only to be joined by The Boy. Our bed is not a family bed...for just the shear reason that it is not big enough to hold two adults and two kids, with the kids sleeping sideways. All parents out there know that kids don't sleep with their heads at the top of the bed and their feet at the bottom. They sleep sideways or diagonal or on top of you with their feet in your face. That is just the way it is.

When The Girl finally decided that enough was enough at 5:45 AM and catapulted out of the bed, I gave in and let (or forced) The Husband to take over. *thank you, onewhocanliveonlittlesleep* I wanted to stay grumpy at her, but just look at that sweet face. I blame Daylight Savings instead.

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Sooooo frustrating. I am also one who NEEDS my sleep or else I'm just plain nasty. Hang in there!

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