Thursday, April 8, 2010

Does Everything Have an Expiration Date?

'Tis the season of allergy mania for The Boy. He didn't have allergies until we moved to the Ohio Valley. Lucky for him, as soon as spring sprung this year, BOOM! itchy eyes, runny/itchy nose, and phlegm, phlegm, phlegm! I don't know where he gets it. Neither the Husband nor I have allergies. I won't talk about The Girl, I don't want to jinx it.

The good thing (silver lining) is that for The Boy, allergy season really only lasts about two months, mid-March-mid-May. But, throughout this time he is on an allergy medicine regiment. We have general over the counter allergy relief like Claritin and then two for nasal spray and the other for eye drops. He never uses an entire prescription...the duration of need is too short.

Well, we have been using the remainder of his last filled scripts since the itchy, sniffling mess started this year. Last night I called the pharmacy to refill his eye drops. He is almost out and we can't risk not having them. His eyes may swell shut. The last time the pediatrician wrote the scripts, she made sure to put 20 refills on each. I guess that doesn't matter. The pharmacy told me that since it has been a year since the prescription was filled, we would have to have the doctor REWRITE a NEW prescription. The window of opportunity had passed. I wonder, if I had called two days ago (the exact date the script was filled last year), would I have made it in under the wire. It is EYE DROPS for the love of Pete, not Vicodin. Well, I am off to call the pediatrician...

1 comment:

Theresa said...

stupid rule about the 1-year limit, but so true. Good luck with that. At least it should only take a phone call and not a trip to the doctor.

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