I love it when I get to see my genes come through on The Boy. It happens every so often and I think, "Yay, he is partly my child." This week has been such a joy to me because The Boy has found his voice. He has always been partial to music and singing, but he is stretching out, he is developing his own style. It is so fun to see it happening. He is making up his own songs, changing the words and changing keys. I too like to sing and love music, but his facination with it all is somewhat different than mine. He asked me this morning if he could take a music class (they offer classes at the performing arts school next to Montessori starting at 3 years, but we still have a couple of months to go) and my first reaction was "how do you know what a music class is?" and my second was, "how can you not take one?" Maybe what I don't know is that the faculty at his school are pimping alternative programming to get more money out of those of us who are already bled dry. I have faith that isn't the case, but still have to wonder.
You may be asking yourself, where are my genes showing...well The Boy has an already developed sense of music memory. We now have to be very careful what we listen to in the car or at home (not that we listen to death music or anything) because as soon as he hears it, he can sing it and ask for it. My music memory is like that. I more than likely know what year the song came out, who sings it and have a memory associated with it as well. He characterizes songs that he likes as his songs and asks us to turn off the songs he doesn't like (i.e., Country). I love it. I love hearing him in the back seat singing at the top of his lungs, mostly in tune and on key. I love seeing the facial expressions that go along with the high notes and the low notes. I love seeing him pretend to play whatever musical instrument is in the backgroud whether it is a violin, guitar, piano, drums or trumpet. He just gets it and I LOVE it! Now we just have to get him more interested in VeggieTales and less interested in Maroon 5.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
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