This morning The Boy discovered the magnificence of his shadow. The Boy has, of course, seen his shadow before when outside in the sun. But this morning, he noticed his shadow in the upstairs hallway. This is where one of three nightlights lives in our house. I was still "lounging" in bed listening to my boys discuss the happenings of the morning, you know, milk and whether Curious George was on this morning, when The Husband tells The Boy to go wake me up. I eagerly wait anticipating the mandatory wake up kiss when I hear The Boy stop and make that noise that only communicates total awe.
The Boy: Daddy, Daddy, look how tall I am.
Daddy: Oh, that is your shadow.
The Boy: My shadow?
Daddy: Yes, that light casts a shadow on the wall.
The Boy: It makes me taller.
Daddy: If you walk to the wall, your shadow will get smaller.
I hear The Boy pitter patter down the hall.
The Boy: It does, I have to show momma.
He wakes me up and takes me to the hallway and shows me how he grows and gets smaller. It made me appreciate the power of the simple shadow. Seeing him amazed is a great way to wake up in the morning.
New Year 2017 Cheers!
8 years ago
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