Turkey Day is less than one week away. I absolutely love Thanksgiving. I know there are some discrepancies about which holiday officially starts the holiday season, Halloween or Thanksgiving. I am a firm believer that it is Thanksgiving. Family, food and the giving of thanks. What a way to start.
This year, I get to host my family. I have had a ton of people ask me if I am crazy to host with a 3 month old, but I don't think I am. I love to cook and entertain and really feel like I don't get to do it enough. On the menu...turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn pudding, stuffing, a few veggies, rolls, pumpkin cheesecake and a few pies.
Carb overload. The pies will be my mother's contribution. I have watched her make pies for years and I still am not able to make a very good pie crust. My mom's are perfect. Plus she makes these cinnamon swirl things out of the left over dough that remind me so much of my childhood. This year, The Boy will be helping to make pies with his grandma. I hope he makes great memories too.
Yesterday a colleague of mine shared a tradition that her church does every year. People choose to fast the day before Thanksgiving and use that time to reflect on why they are thankful. I hadn't heard of this specific practice before. I really like the idea of it. I haven't shared the prospect of doing this with The Husband. The kids couldn't participate and neither could I this year because I am nursing, but I think it is a great idea. Maybe this will become a a tradition that starts next year for The Husband and me at least.