Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Sleep in not a Four Letter Word

So, I am floating in the land of the living wishing for a bed this morning. Last night was my first (and surely not my last) night sleeping in Nicholas's big boy bed. Yippee for me and my ability to function on minimal amounts of sleep. How is it possible that someone so small can take up sooooo much space? How is it possible that a two-year old sleeping upside down in the far opposition corner of a full size bed can still tell when I try to get up and move back to the grown ups table? Needless to say, I am not feeling all that energized or excited to be awake and at work today. But, being awakened by the sound of giggles might have made it all worth it.


Heather said...

This is too cool! I can't believe you are blogging.

You are a HIP MOMMA!

Beth Westbrook said...

I've never read a blog before, much less had a friend who was an actual, real live blogger. You make me feel like a hip momma just by association! I am enjoying reading your perspectives. I will definitely keep checking in with your blog.

My Name was Renee - Now It's Dylan and Camille's Mom! said...

Oh how I feel your pain!!!!! How silly were we to think that the "big boy bed" would solve the recurring problem of sleeping all night in your own room so mommy and daddy can be adults! We have resorted to the twin air mattress that is blown up every night with the assistance of the small one. We rely on the air mattress in hopes that we will not have to use it but it never fails that when mommy decides to roll off and make a run for it at 2am the 24 hour radar goes off and in the short distance I hear "Mamma - Mamma!" in a panicky voice. So what do I do? I run in and take my place on the air mattress. My only saving grace is the ever so light touch of a small hand touching my arm and the thought that at least someone is sleeping all night - even if it's not me!

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