Saturday, November 29, 2008

Fa La La La La La La La La

The Christmas season is finally here. The tree is up. The decorations abound. The Boy is so excited he can hardly stand it. The Twelve Days of Christmas has turned into the Twenty-Five Days of Christmas this year. More information to come tomorrow. Hang onto your Christmas stockings, because it is going to be fun!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Calling Mr. Sandman

No, I am not talking about the Metallica song, but about our snoozy little Girl. The Girl will be three months old on Thursday and we have definitely gotten a clear picture at this point of how different she is from The Boy. She is quieter, more contemplative and man is she a sleeper. She will sleep anywhere. I can count on two fingers the number of times The Boy has fallen asleep somewhere other than a bed or his carseat in his almost four years of life. The Girl seems to have no bias. She falls asleep on the floor, in her crib, in her bassinet, in her bouncy seat, the swing, the high chair and in another person's lap.

Here are some examples....

Friday, November 21, 2008

My Favorite Holiday

Turkey Day is less than one week away. I absolutely love Thanksgiving. I know there are some discrepancies about which holiday officially starts the holiday season, Halloween or Thanksgiving. I am a firm believer that it is Thanksgiving. Family, food and the giving of thanks. What a way to start.

This year, I get to host my family. I have had a ton of people ask me if I am crazy to host with a 3 month old, but I don't think I am. I love to cook and entertain and really feel like I don't get to do it enough. On the menu...turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes & gravy, corn pudding, stuffing, a few veggies, rolls, pumpkin cheesecake and a few pies. Carb overload. The pies will be my mother's contribution. I have watched her make pies for years and I still am not able to make a very good pie crust. My mom's are perfect. Plus she makes these cinnamon swirl things out of the left over dough that remind me so much of my childhood. This year, The Boy will be helping to make pies with his grandma. I hope he makes great memories too.

Yesterday a colleague of mine shared a tradition that her church does every year. People choose to fast the day before Thanksgiving and use that time to reflect on why they are thankful. I hadn't heard of this specific practice before. I really like the idea of it. I haven't shared the prospect of doing this with The Husband. The kids couldn't participate and neither could I this year because I am nursing, but I think it is a great idea. Maybe this will become a a tradition that starts next year for The Husband and me at least.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Who Doesn't Like Will Smith

Now that I am back at work, I take every opportunity given to spend with the kids while we are home together. This has transformed into The Husband, The Boy and me getting dressed in the same room while The Girl hangs out on the bed. She is propped up on a pillow so she can see what is going on in the room around her. I am determined to give her as much of the same attention we gave to The Boy when he was an only child without taking time away from him. I know it is not completely possible, but I am trying.

This morning, the radio show I listen to was taking requests for any and all songs and playing those requests if you donated to their charity. The first request we all heard was "Getting Jiggy With It" by Will Smith. It came on as I was turning toward The Girl. She was smilinig from ear to ear. We then jammed out to it while dancing. She was in heaven. I think we have a dancer on our hands or maybe a rap star...who knows. It made my day a little brighter to see her so happy.

Getting back to life has been an adjustment, but it is going okay so far. I miss my kids, but I am ever thankful for my job that helps provide for our home and the food that nourishes our bodies. And, I am impressed with myself and The Husband when I say that all four of us make it out of the house in an hour and a half in the morning. I think that is an amazing feat. I know that things are going to get more hectic, but I have a tip for myself and all the other moms out there (remembering that all moms are working moms)...take time out to get jiggy with it from time to time. It helps keep you sane.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Not Too Bad

Today marks my official first day back at work! Things haven't been too crazy. It is a little refreshing to be back. Everyone I work with has been great about welcoming me back and about being excited that I have returned. I am not sure there was too much to miss, but hey, I am back and ready to go.

The Girl's transition into daycare has gone pretty well. We did find out last week that she is a bit particular regarding the type of bottle she likes, but it looks like we got it figured out. I am hoping things continue to go well. I miss her like crazy every hour of the day...only two more days until the weekend.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sleep Is for the Birds

Man, last night was a rough one. The Husband went out to a game watching party and left me and the kiddos at home. I had no worries because both kids have been going down between 7 and 8 PM. The Girl did a great job going to sleep, but The Boy had some trouble. Finally at 9 the sound of silence was coming from his room.

I kept waiting for The Girl to wake up hungry, but she didn't. Who did wake up? The Boy. One o'clock in the morning and he was awake. His ear was hurting. No fever, but it was clear that he was uncomfortable and because of this he was whiny. Poor thing. The Husband is finally home, thank goodness, because the baby then wakes up. The Husband takes The Boy and I feed The Girl and then she is all talk and smile. Not the least bit sleepy. The Boy still awake. So, we switch off...I take The Boy to our bed and The Husband takes The Girl to rock downstairs. Needless to say, neither one of us got much sleep last night. According to The Husband, The Girl finally feel back asleep at 3 AM. For me, all I got was a night full of kicks to the stomach and boob area. Why can't children sleep with their heads on the pillows when they come to sleep in our beds?

It is now 7:45 AM and The Boy is awake as if his night was uber restful and The Girl is still asleep and I am engorged waiting for her to eat...uncomfortable. I think I might wake her up now and pray they both takes good naps today.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Way To Make Me Better

This little conversation occurred while The Boy was peeing this morning.

The Boy: Momma, look, I can pee standing up and you can't.
Momma: Uh, huh.
The Boy: I think it would be better if you had a penis.
Momma: Momma is a girl, girls don't have penises.
The Boy: I know, but maybe it just hasn't grown yet.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

12 Weeks Old Already

Today, my little girl turned 12 weeks old. She is so big already. Today also marked the first day The Girl went to daycare. She only went for four hours and I was a mess. I cried all the way home and the entire time I was in the shower. When I left her, she was all smiles and didn't seem to really mind her new environment. When I picked her up, she was in her crib, wrapped like a little burrito all ready to go to sleep. I picked her up and she started wailing. Immediately I think she is crying because she thinks I am going to leave her there. I bring her home, she is content and I am crying at the prospect that I have already tramatized her for life. The Husband thinks she was crying because I disturbed her rest. This is probably more likely as she is always fussy right before she goes to sleep.

Tomorrow is another 1/2 day at daycare. I am hoping I can make it without crying. I am not so sure I will. It is healthy and normal, but I feel a little silly about it. I go back to work full time next Wednesday. I get to figure out how to balance everything all over again. Two kids, work, and time with The Husband or life as well like to call it. Time goes by so fast, blink and you really do miss it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where Do Babies Come From?

The Boy: I think we need two babies.
Momma: You do? Are you ready for momma to have another one?
The Boy: Yes, but maybe this time the baby can be in mine or Daddy's belly.
Momma: I don't know if that can happen.
The Boy: How did you get a baby in your belly?
Momma: Well, God put it there?
The Boy: How did God put it there?
Momma: Very carefully.
The Boy: I think he went through your mouth, because He can do anything.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Countdown Begins

I have been very lucky to be able to stay home as long as I have. The Girl is almost 12 weeks old. It is crazy how time flies. She is cooing and making all sorts of noises. She is smiling and trying so hard to laugh out loud. The day she turns 12 weeks old will be her first day at daycare. Less than a week makes me sad. Someone else will be taking care of her for most of her waking hours. I keep telling myself she will be fine, and she will. She will still know who I am. She will still love me unconditionally. The Boy has been in daycare or in preschool since he was about the same age and he is a great kid who loves his momma without issue.

It isn't any easier the second time around though. I still feel sad and I know I will cry for the first week. The Husband has tried to be so empathetic, and I appreciate it, but it is so different for men. I don't think he will completely understand, but I am thankful that he is trying. I love him for that.

The woman who will be taking care of The Girl seems to have her stuff together. She has two kids of her own and asked all the right questions. I will try to remain positive and get back to work without too much worry. Wish me luck and pray that The Girl stays healthly as long as possible among all the daycare germs.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Our October Adventures

Fall Party Hayride

Ready to trick or treat.

She has a pumpkin on her bottom.

Pumpkin Pickin'

Trick or treating at the zoo.

Carved Pumpkins

Monday, November 3, 2008

What a Weekend!

I was talking with a friend on Saturday an we both agree that Fall is the busiest time of the year. It seems our families have been very, very busy since October 1st. believe it is the on set of holidays that makes it so. This weekend alone was enough to make us crazy. We had Halloween and trick or treating on Friday night. The Boy has been so excited all week and it was really driving The Husband and I crazy. It was cute, but overwhelming.

On Saturday, we had a football watching party for The Husband's work and then went out to a Fall Party. All this with a two month old in tow made momma a tired girl. The Girl did great and the weather was great, but boy did it wear us out.

To make things more complicated, I woke up Sunday morning with something wrong with my right eye. As I type, my right eye is closed and my left eye is doing all the seeing for me. I went to the Doc in a Box (Immediate Care Center) on Sunday morning. I thought I would be the only one there when the place opened, but no, there were close to ten people waiting for the doors to open. An hour later, the doc indicated that I could have pink eye or it could be allergy related. I should have been concerned when she didn't really look in my eye, just at it from a distance, but she is a doctor, I took her for her word. Antibiotics and allergy eye drops and now real improvement. I have been advised by the husband to call my regular doc and get my eye looked at again. Ugh! I think I will wait until tomorrow to see how things are pun intended.

Christmas 2009

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