Monday, December 8, 2008

The Weekend Gone Already?

This weekend flew by for our family. How about for yours? I really don't feel like we had a weekend at all really. Sometimes I feel like we need a weekend to recover from our weekend. Crazy! This weekend, we celebrated St. Nicholas Day. The Boy loved this. I can't wait to do it again next year. We also shopped for Isiah our Angel Tree recipient and had lunch with Santa Claus. The Husband had to work a little this weekend and The Boy went to a birthday party. This was all on top of the regular cleaning (or cleaning attempt) and getting ready for the week. I have to remember to ask my mother how she kept the house so clean with three kids. My house isn't dirty by any stretch, but it is a mess by Friday of every week. I try to do a little bit every night but I am still getting used to working all day and cannot get to anything at home until at least 7:30 because the kids are up and need attention. They are much more important that cleaning, right?

Day #8 for the Calendar was a small gift. The Boy got a Cars wallet. He insisted on taking it to school this morning. Hopefully it doesn't end up missing like his Osh Gosh hoodie or his right glove. Good thing it was found in the dollar bin at Target!

I forgot to translate the letter to Santa from last week. It reads:

Dear Santa,

I have been a very good boy. I would like a race track and slippers and ice cream too.
Thank you.

Part of the letter was on the back. Something about preschoolers and not being able to write small no matter how many times you remind them to. I guess that is why paper has lines on it in elementary school.


Theresa said...

So, so cute! Weekends always seem so short. It makes me feel better when I can make a list of things I accomplished and then I realize that the weekend wasn't as short as it felt. Love the advent stuff. I'm going to keep checking back so that I'll know what to do next year for my kids. Sounds so fun!

MrsSoersdal said...

I write dash marks on my 5-year-old's papers so he knows to fit the letters not only on the line but in the dash marks. Works like a charm when his teacher gives him like a 3 inch line to write the 10-word title of a book!

Also, what an adorable Santa letter! And everything affordable! What a considerate kid!

Christmas 2009

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