Thursday, July 2, 2009

No, Really, I Don't Mind

I don't know if I am more cognizant of certain things now that I have turned another year older, making my way quickly toward the "scary" mid-30s, but it seems to me that other folks are thinking hey she is getting older shouldn't she be worried, offended by certain things, etc. I realize I am getting older, but I really don't think it is another person's job to remind me of that. I don't mind, seriously. I wouldn't like to go back to when I was 16, or 21. Those years were fine, but my life now is so much better. So much fuller. Why would I want to subject myself to mean highschool girls or the awkwardness of teenage dating again. Yuck!

What brings all this on is one silly word, Ma'am. To all you nice Southerners out there. It is okay that you call me Ma'am. I don't mind. It is polite. You don't have to apologize. I like it. I am teaching my four year old son to use it along with sir. Please don't worry, I am not offended. It doesn't make me feel old, especially since the same day you apologized for calling me ma'am was the same day I got carded when ordering a glass of wine. It's all good. Keep it up. Your momma would be proud!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

I HATE it when people call me "ma'am" or "Mrs. Berend". Can't stand it.

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